Sunday, February 13, 2011

Somebody Needs to Tell Brad Womack he's on a Dating Show

The girls competing for Brad's heart on The Bachelor get a first class ticket to a tropical paradise and yet they still bitch and moan. Why? Because they’re insecure about how Bachelor Brad feels about them. Fair enough, they can cry all they want as they gaze at the sunset from their five star palace paid for by the hungry advertising execs of ABC.

In one episode, Brad is having second thoughts about one of the remaining "women,” as he likes to call them. He is worried she’s too dramatic. I think someone needs to tell this guy he's on a dating show. He seems confused.

In one episode the show has taken the Brad and his “women” to Costa Rica. I get the audience is interested in seeing beautiful aerial shots of Costa Rica, it's a stunning country. But another helicopter date? Seriously? I want to speak with the Associate Producers on this segment. Disappointing and lazy work people.

Okay now I'm certain Brad doesn't know he's on a dating show. In one episode he actually tells one of the women competing for his affections not to "play games" with him. Dude! You're the bachelor on a competitive dating show! The whole damn thing is a game. How can he not know this?

Somewhere on a story board in the ABC Network offices there is a box that says “Ali- Scared of Bugs.” And one episode we got to see how that story line was played out.

During the casting process of The Bachelor clearly one of said applicants answered “bugs and bats” which is why the producers set up a one-on-one date with Brad and Ali to a dark cave with you guessed it, bugs and bats.

Guaranteed, over 50% of the reason why The Bachelor is suddenly in Costa Rica is so the producers could find the biggest bugs and bats on earth and freak this woman right the $#!* out.

And I have to mention the “We are sinking” comment Brad made during his and Ali's dinner. The two of them were for a lack of a better term "sinking" with nothing to say to each other and awkward silences. It was clear Brad was not going to be giving Ali a rose. But the best part was that their dinner was taking place on an actual sinking table on the water. Trash TV doing high brow double entendres. Priceless.

Except for the predictable and overdone helicopter date, generally speaking the date scenes work really well for The Bachelor. Because it's a TV show, the dates have to be entertaining so they do over the top crazy Fear Factor style dates. They don't go bungee jumping and repelling down 100ft buildings because it's a great first date activity. They do it because it’s great TV. However it's also not necessarily a bad way of judging someone's character.

This blog was first posted at

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